Saturday, March 1, 2025 • Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Kara & Christian
Saturday, March 1, 2025 • Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Q + A
When is the last day to RSVP?
The last day to RSVP is January 15th. If we don’t receive an RSVP from you by then, we’ll assume you unfortunately won’t be able to join us. We have to provide our final headcount to the venue, so be sure to RSVP by the deadline. We hope to celebrate with you!
How do we book?
Please visit the “travel” tab on our website. This tab will provide you with all the necessary information you will need, and guide you to the booking link.
We have contracted a travel agent and reserved a room block to assist our guests with booking. To make it easier on both sides, we would highly recommend and prefer our guests book through our travel agent.
When is the last day to book?
The last day to book with our travel agent and receive the special room block rate is December 3rd.
After December 3rd, you can still book through our travel agent, but it will be at the normal hotel rate.
Do we have to stay at the resort?
You do not have to stay at the Barcelo Maya Grand Resort, but we would highly recommend it. If you choose to stay elsewhere, you will have to purchase a day pass for the hotel in order to attend the wedding. If the hotel is at maximum capacity, you will not be able to purchase a day pass, so a day pass is not guaranteed. If you want it guaranteed you will be able to attend the wedding, it is best if you stay at the resort.
Where will the ceremony & reception take place?
The wedding ceremony will be taking place at the beach of Barcelo Maya Beach Hotel.
Are children invited?
We're excited to celebrate our special day with you! Due to space & capacity limitations, our wedding ceremony and reception are designed as a 21-and-over affair. For those with little ones not on the guest list, feel free to bring them along to enjoy the resort on your vacation, while you join us for the adult wedding festivities. We are looking forward to sharing this joyous occasion with you!
Dress code: We would love to see our friends and family dress up with us! The dress code is summertime formal—think upscale, fancy garden party. Fun colors, patterns, etc., are encouraged. Please refrain from wearing jeans, shorts, as well as white, cream, etc. (white dress shirts for men are okay). Women think mid to long length dresses, and men think tan, grey, or fun colored slacks/suit jackets. Need some inspiration? Take a look at our wedding guest inspiration Pinterest Board!